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Chronic Pain

Therapeutic plant-based medicines and lifestyle interventions have shown to be effective in managing and sometimes reversing symptoms associated with chronic conditions such chronic pain, migraines, multiple sclerosis, endometriosis, menopause, arthritis, insomnia and PTSD.

Chronic pain is a persistent pain that lasts beyond normal healing time or otherwise beyond three months. It is a complex condition that can seriously impact one’s life and wellbeing. Although there is no ultimate cure for chronic pain, it can be well managed and sometimes reversed with the implementation of lifestyle modifications.

The therapeutic goods administration (TGA) has approved therapeutic plant-based medicines derived from the cannabis sativa plant for chronic pain management. Conditions that respond well to plant-based medicine include chronic pain, migraines, multiple sclerosis (muscle spasm), endometriosis, menopause symptoms, arthritis (pain and inflammation), insomnia and PTSD.

Dr Mehdi is a specialised GP and has been authorised by the TGA to prescribe therapeutic plant-based medicines. He has a special interest in lifestyle medicine which focuses on preventing, treating and reversing chronic conditions with lifestyle interventions.

If you suffer from chronic pain or a chronic condition, book a consultation to discover how plant-based treatment options and lifestyle medicine can improve your condition.

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